Tag Archives: ADO

Mexican Migra Is Working Out, for Trump

By RICARDO CASTILLO     After the threat by U.S. President Donald Trump to impose export tariffs on Mexico if it didn’t stop the flow of migrants coming out of Central America, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has complied both with stopping Trump from slapping Mexican exports with his blatantly illegal tariffs, but also, cartoonists claim, can trump up his roster

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ADO’s Pink Caravan Hits the Road

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS     While the Honduran caravan of migrants fighting their way across the Mexican border in a mass movement to force undocumented entry into the United States may be causing national controversy across Mexico, there is a smaller but far more popular convoy traversing the country, with the sole goal of helping underprivileged women get access to quality medical

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