Tag Archives: ASF

AMLO Administration Proposes 4.4 Billion Peso Budget Slash to the INE

By KELIN DILLON After years of threatening to reduce the efficacy of Mexico’s National Electoral Institute (INE), Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) administration and National Regeneration Movement (Morena) – acting under López Obrador’s Fourth Transformation (4T) campaign promise – finally attempted to make good on its promise, proposing to slash the INE’s requested budget for 2023 by 4.475

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Deputies to File Complaint with Attorney General Due to Vaccine Expiry

By MARK LORENZANA Deputies from three Mexican political parties — the conservative National Action Party (PAN), the centralist Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Citizens’ Movement (MC) — are set to file an official complaint with Mexico’s Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) for the expiry and wastage of more than 5 million covid-19 vaccines. On Saturday, Sept. 25, Mexican daily

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American Society Celebrates US Independence with Daylong Fair

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS Back in 1776, John Adams, second president of the United States and co-drafter, along with Thomas Jefferson, of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, predicted that the momentous signing of that magna carta would be celebrated for generations to come “from this time forward forevermore.” Indeed, 246 years later, Adams’ words ring as true today as they did

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Pemex Head in Houston ‘Purchases’ Multimillion-Peso Mansion

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF After it was revealed by the daily newspaper Reforma that Carmelina Esquer Camacho, director of Pemex Procurement International (PPI), a Texas-based subsidiary of Mexico’s state-owned oil company, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), had acquired a residence in Houston valued at more than $400,000 (equivalent to about 8 million pesos) in late 2020, repeated requests to make

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