Tag Archives: Cabinet

On International Women’s Day, AMLO Celebrates…Himself

OPINION By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS In what was seen by many women in Mexico as a blatant affront to their cause to end the country’s surging levels of femicide and gender-based violence, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) marked Tuesday, March 8, International Women’s Day (M8), locked in the National Palace, congratulating himself for his political accomplishments (like, for example, more

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Historic Number of Women in AMLO’s Cabinet

By KELIN DILLON For the first time in the history of Mexico, almost half of the federal government’s secretariats will now be headed by women. The new cabinet of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will consist of nine women and 10 men, the closest gender differential ever seen in a Mexican president’s cabinet. The appointments break traditional gendered

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Mexico News Roundup

By RICARDO CASTILLO Mexican Beaches Closed for Easter Mexican marines and municipal police have full control of Acapulco beaches to impede tourists from doing what they do best every Easter weekend: Enjoy their vacations. Guerrero Governor Hector Astudillo held a press conference on Tuesday, April 7, to “acknowledge the efforts being made by the persons participating in actions to keep

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