Tag Archives: Citibanamex

Slim Pulls Out of Banamex Purchase

PULSE NEWS MEXICO Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim’s Inbursa financial group announced on Wednesday, Nov. 23, that it was withdrawing from its former commitment to purchase Banamex, Citigroup’s consumer and corporate banking business in Mexico. “After the presentation of a nonbinding proposal for the acquisition of said businesses, the parties have mutually agreed that Imbursa will not continue in the following

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Inflation in Mexico Slows to 8.53 Percent in October

By KELIN DILLON Mexico’s National Consumer Price Index (INPC) – which registers inflation across the country – hit 8.53 percent during the first two weeks of October, a trend likely due to drops in gas prices and national costs associated with inflation-affected products like potatoes, onions and avocados. This is Mexico’s third report in a row of slowing inflation, said

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What Citibank Pulling out of Mexico Could Forebode

OPINION By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS Despite the fact that just five months ago, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) at the National Palace, declaring that the international financial group considered Mexico “a country of opportunities” thanks to its economic, political and social stability, the corporation announced on Tuesday, Jan. 11, that it would be

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Mexican Inflation Expected to Top 7 Percent by End of Year

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF Mexico’s spiraling inflation rate will reach 7 percent by the end of the year, according  a consensus of private analysts consulted by Citibanamex. This figure would represent an increase of 30 points compared to a survey carried out by the firm a fortnight ago, when those same analysts estimated that inflation would close this

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Remittances Due to Surpass Some Latin American Economies

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF Financial remittances by Mexican ex-pats to their families back in Mexico are expected to reach a historic high in 2021 for the sixth consecutive year, and to represent more wealth than the entire GDP oh countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay, according to a recent report from the Center for Latin American Monetary

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Additional Interest Rate Increases Expected from Banxico

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF After Mexico’s Central Bank (Banxico) shocked financial markets with a surprise .25 interest rate hike on Thursday, June 24, analysts are now predicting that the bank will issue additional increases this year to combat surging inflation, which reached more than 6 percent in May.Banxico raised its key rate to 4.25 percent in a split

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