Tag Archives: conservatives

Opposition Bloc against AMLO’s Electoral Reform Grows

By MARK LORENZANA The contentious electoral reform spearheaded by deputies from the leftist National Regeneration Movement (Morena) of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has further divided the country, and two groups have emerged thus far: those who have called for a complete transformation — or even scrapping — of the National Electoral Institute (INE), and those who are

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Scrapping of Electoral Institute a Threat to Democracy, Says Majority of Mexicans

By MARK LORENZANA Only 13 percent of Mexicans believe that the National Electoral Institute (INE) should be eliminated, 31 percent support some sort of electoral reform and 53 percent think that the INE has been doing a good job so far, according to a telephone survey conducted by Mexican daily newspaper Reforma from Wednesday, Oct. 26, to Saturday, Oct. 29.

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Mexican Bar Association Demands AMLO Respect Judiciary

By MARK LORENZANA The Mexican Bar Association (BMA) has asked Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to stop threatening judges who rule against his government plans. Through a public statement signed by its president, Claudia de Buen, the BMA rejected the latest threat launched by López Obrador against Judge Francisco Javier Rebolledo Peña, who stopped the implementation of the new

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AMLO: No Spying Involved in Mexico Space Pact with Russia

By MARK LORENZANA Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) on the morning of Monday, Oct. 10, insisted that the agreement between Mexico and Russia for “space research for peace purposes” does not have elements of espionage, and that it was a pact agreed upon since September 2021, at least five months before the Moscow invasion of Ukraine. “It is

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Civil Groups Demand Input on New SEP Study Plan

By MARK LORENZANA After Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced an investigation into Federal Judge Francisco Javier Rebolledo Peña, who stopped the implementation of the new curriculum for basic-education students, civil organizations have requested a dialogue with the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) to participate in the preparation of the educational programs that the SEP is planning to

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A Nation Distracted by its Own Polarization

OPINION By ALEJANDRO ENVILA FISHER The inauguration of the new Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) on Monday, March 21, by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) proved that in his polarizing and divide-and-conquer strategy, López Obrador has had an unwitting but unbeatable ally: a class-oriented and racist society that is willing to discriminate at the slightest provocation. Over the

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Mexican Film Stars Launch Campaign against Tren Maya

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF Some of Mexico’s biggest film and television royalty have joined forces to launch a campaign against President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) Tren Maya, a massive 230 billion-peso tourist train project that environmentalists have warned will destroy over half the natural flora and fauna in the Yucatan Peninsula. Last month, the government re-charted Section

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