Tag Archives: Cuauhtémoc

Cuevas Suspension Means Cuauhtémoc May Get New Mayor

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF With the suspension Monday, March 14, of Sandra Cuevas, head of the Cuauhtémoc Delegation of Mexico City, there is now a void in the leadership of one of the Mexican capital’s oldest and most-historic precincts. Cuevas, the “mayor” of Cuauhtémoc, was ordered to relinquish her post on Monday by a Mexico City judge, after

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In Mexico, Jacaranda Blossoms Mean Spring Has Sprung

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS     At long last, spring has arrived in Mexico, and, as a result, the capital’s streets are now awash in sumptuous shades of lavender and lilac as the city’s lush jacaranda trees come into full bloom. Yes, the clusters of violet-blue trumpet flowers embraced by an ensemble of dark green fern-like foliage that grace the city this time of

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Cuauhtémoc Mayor Cancels Conference Amid Growing Controversy

By KELIN DILLON Following a number of high-profile controversies throughout her term as head of Mexico City’s oldest and most historic district, Cuauhtémoc Mayor Sandra Cuevas has once more invited criticism into her administration as the official burst into, then canceled, a press conference surrounding allegations that Cuevas had been throwing balloons with 500-peso bills glued to them from the

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With Midterm Vote, Morena Loses Precincts in Mexico City

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS Despite extensive campaigns across Mexico’s capital aimed at gaining and maintaining control over its 32 precincts in the midterm elections on Sunday, June 6, preliminary vote counts indicate that the leftist National Regeneration Movement (Morena) lost territory as a result of the polling. Morena, founded by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) as a platform to promote

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Armed Bands Vandalize Colonias Polanco, Anzures, Cuauhtemóc

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF A group of about 300 masked men and women sacked apartment buildings and offices in Mexico City’s upscale Colonia Polanco on Friday, June 5, smashing cars, breaking windows and defacing the front of buildings in a confused protest against police violence, racism and poverty. The self-proclaimed anarchists began their protest in the early afternoon

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Morena Is Still a Party-in-the-Making

By RICARDO CASTILLO      The frictional mood at Mexico’s majority political party, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), became evident on Monday, Aug. 19, as current Senate leader Martí Batres Guadarrama lost his bid for reelection to Mónica Fernández Balboa by 33 to 29 votes. Should all go well, Fernández Balboa will be confirmed next week and begin her position as Senate

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Mexico City Water Wars Reach Tipping Point

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS     With the near-citywide water service suspension now entering its second week (with no end in sight) and Mexico’s National Water Commission (Conagua) employees making personal fortunes by selling off tankers of potable water that are supposed to be provided free of charge by the government, Mexico City residents are up in arms and fighting mad. Particularly affected

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Mexico City Water Service Back on Line

By THE PULSE NEWS STAFF     Mexico’s National Water Commission (Conagua) announced that, despite some setbacks installing a key part of the tubing needed to replace the damaged sections of the Cutzamala water system, initial water service for Mexico City and the State of Mexico (Edoméx) was reinstated at 8:05 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 4, when the pumps that supply the areas

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