Tag Archives: Érika Guevara Rosas

Amnesty International Says AMLO Minimizes Gender Issues

By KELIN DILLON In an interview with El Universal, Érika Guevara Rosas, director of Amnesty International (AI) in the Americas, admonished Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for his repeated flippance on Mexico’s widespread gender violence problem. “Mexico occupies one of the first places in the world in the number of femicides, of disappearances of girls and adolescents with pregnancies

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Historic Number of Women in AMLO’s Cabinet

By KELIN DILLON For the first time in the history of Mexico, almost half of the federal government’s secretariats will now be headed by women. The new cabinet of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will consist of nine women and 10 men, the closest gender differential ever seen in a Mexican president’s cabinet. The appointments break traditional gendered

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