Tag Archives: Excelsior

The Dark Side to Mexico’s 2018 Elections

By RICARDO CASTILLO     A small incident provoked by a well-known journalist highlighted a problem that is beleaguering the current Mexican electoral process. Over the past weekend, the news that political columnist Ricardo Alemán had been fired by two television stations was news. Curiously enough, Alemán was not fired for any content in his two political programs. He was fired for forwarding

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Ackerman: Gringo Expat in Distress

By RICARDO CASTILLO     Is Russia meddling in the on-going Mexican electoral process? Is U.S.-born but now-Mexican citizen and National Autonomous University of Mexico professor John Ackerman Russian President Vladimir Putin’s man in Mexico? Ackerman denies it, but that does not stop the Mexican press from pointing him out as the man behind the Russian election interference ploy? Ackerman adamantly repudiates these allegations and the rumor of

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