Tag Archives: IDB

Carstens Wins King of Spain Award, Mexico’s IDB Candidate Loses to Brazil

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) got a double-whammy blow to his economic policies over the weekend when former Central Bank of Mexico (Banxico) Governor Agustín Carstens (a champion of what AMLO despairingly calls neoliberal economics) was presented the King of Spain Economics Award as “one of the most important and influential economic policy makers in

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Mexican Government Prioritizes Subsidies over Investments

By MARK LORENZANA The Mexican federal government has continued its trend of prioritizing subsidies over investments, despite the economic crisis brought about by the covid-19 pandemic. In the first six months of this year, subsidies and financial transfers totaled 463.5 billion pesos, according to data released by Mexico’s Secretariat of Finance (SHCP). In contrast, physical investment — which is focused on building, conserving

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White House Official Elected to Head IDB

Newly elected head of the Inter-American Development Bank Mauricio Claver-Carone. Photo: El Nuevo Herald

XINHUA Mauricio J. Claver-Carone, a senior White House official, was elected on Saturday, Sept. 12, to head the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) amid strong opposition from Latin American countries and senior experts. Claver-Carone, who will succeed current President Luis Alberto Moreno, will take office on Oct. 1 for a five-year term, the IDB said in a statement. The IDB, bowing

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