Tag Archives: Los Zetas

Mexico Hands Drug Kingpin ‘El Huevo’ over to United States

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF During the early hours of Tuesday, March 15, the alleged leader of Mexico’s Northwest Cartel, Juan Gerardo Trevino, alias “El Huevo,” was handed over to U.S. authorities at the Tijuana International Airport, Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (FGR) reported. Without leaving the airport facilities, El Huevo was handed over to U.S. agents via the binational

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AMLO Claims There Are Three Cartels in Mexico, There Are 23

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS In his self-aggrandizing address to the nation on Thursday, July 1, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) said that the country’s fight against organized crime was “well in hand” and that there were only three cartels currently operating in Mexico. That, it seems, is news to the cartels. In fact, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement

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FGR Investigating Nuevo León Candidates for Electoral Crimes

By KELIN DILLON Mexico’s Attorney General (FGR), via its Office of the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (FEDE), announced it was opening an investigation into alleged electoral crimes committed by two current candidates for the governorship of the conservative state of Nuevo León, Adrián de la Garza of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and Samuel García of the Citizens’ Movement.

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