Tag Archives: ratings

Moody Downgrades Mexico’s Credit Rating

PULSE NEWS MEXICO Just two days after the U.S. financial services rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) revised its long-tern outlook for Mexico from negative to stable, Moody’s Analytics, another of the Big Three credit rating agencies, on Friday, July 8, downgraded the country’s sovereign bonds to Baa2, the next-to-last rung of investment grade, adding that Mexico’s economy will remain

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What the Moody’s Downgrade Means for Pemex…and Mexico

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS When the international rating agency Moody’s Analytics downgraded Mexico’s state-run oil giant Petróleos Mexicanos credit again earlier this week — this time to out-and-out “junk” with a “negative outlook” — it should have set alarm bells ringing nationwide as to the country’s credibility with investors and lenders. Moody’s new rock-bottom Ba3 rating — based mostly on the

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S&P Maintains Mexico’s Credit at BBB

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF The New York-based international credit agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) ratified Mexico’s long-term sovereign rating on Tuesday, June 15, at BBB in foreign currency and BBB+ in local currency, both with “a negative outlook.” This announcement was made by the agency following Mexico’s June 6 midterm elections, in which the ruling party, the National

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Kuwaiti Ambassador Celebrates Dual National Days

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS     Kuwaiti Ambassador to Mexico Muteb Saleh Almutoteh had a lot to celebrate on Monday, Feb. 25, when he marked the 58th anniversary of his country’s independence from Britain and the 28th anniversary of its liberation from Iraq with a diplomatic reception at Mexico City’s Westin Santa Fe Hotel. Not only has his Middle Eastern country finally managed

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