Tag Archives: rules of origin

The Tough Job of Unlocking the USMCA’s Full Potential

OPINION By JOHN BURZAWA, SOPHIE EGAR and EARL ANTHONY WAYNE Part of an ongoing series from the Wilson Center* The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) provides continent-wide rules, norms and problem-solving processes that can help the three-member countries to continue the trade and coproduction system established under its predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). But if the USMCA is to

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Building a Competitive North America on the Existing Foundation

OPINION By JERRY HAAR Part of an ongoing series from the Wilson Center* The second decade of the 21st century increasingly mirrors the world’s political and economic environment of a century before when nationalism, protectionism and isolationism occupied center stage in the global political economy. The key drivers of economic growth and development — neoliberal economic policies and free market-oriented institutional

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The USMCA and Pacta Sunt Servanda

OPINION By ANTONIO ORTIZ-MENA Part of an ongoing series from the Wilson Center* It is striking that, more than a quarter century after the North American Free Trade Agreement’s (NAFTA) entry into force, it is still necessary to provide a business case for deeper North American cooperation on economics and beyond, but that is where we are. After the 1989 Canada-U.S.

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USMCA Turns Two, But Has it Worked?

OPINION By EARL ANTHONY WAYNE and DIEGO MARRQUÍN BITAR Friday, July 1, will mark the second anniversary of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The first two years look promising, but it is not yet clear if the outcomes will be sufficient to retain public and political support when the agreement is reviewed in 2025-26. Given the USMCA’s economic importance for

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Seeking a Revitalized North American Vision

OPINION By COLIN ROBERTSON Part of an ongoing series from the Wilson Center* Like globalization and the rules-based multilateral order, the North American idea risks falling victim to larger geopolitical forces. But even in the absence of energetic political leadership, we can still make progress, by building on existing initiatives, to the mutual benefit of all three nations, Canada, the

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