Tag Archives: Samuel García

AMLO Launches Plan to Provide Water to Drought-Stricken Nuevo León

PULSE NEWS MEXICO Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced a plan on Friday, July 29, to provide water to the northern drought-ridden state of Nuevo León over the course of the next 10 years. The plan, which he announced during his daily morning press conference at the National Palace, encompasses a series of measures, including the use of

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Nuevo León Governor Criticizes AMLO’s Water Shortage Response

By KELIN DILLON On Saturday, June 5, Governor of the Mexican state of Nuevo León Samuel García Sepúlveda spoke out in criticism of the federal government’s response to the enduring water shortage in his jurisdiction, claiming that the Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) administration has little interest in aiding its citizens affected by the drought. Recounting Nuevo León’s – Mexico’s

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Thieves Steal Water in Nuevo León amid Worsening Drought

By MARK LORENZANA As an extreme drought grips Nuevo León, a state in the northeast region of Mexico — making water increasingly scarce — thieves have resorted to illegally tapping the biggest water reservoir in the state, El Cuchillo Dam. The water crisis in Nuevo León has worsened in the last six months that its state government, headed by Governor Samuel García, has

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