Tag Archives: Secretariat of Energy

US-Mexico USMCA Negotiations Start with Strain

By KELIN DILLON The strained relationship between the United States and Mexico came to a head this week as the 75-day-long consultation process, as requested by the United States to address Mexico’s purported violations of the free trade United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), began between the two countries on Tuesday, Aug. 23 – and has reportedly already started on the wrong

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Judge Suspends Secretariat of Energy’s Gas Transport Policy

By KELIN DILLON On Monday, July 18, Mexican Judge Juan Pablo Gómez Fierro ruled in favor of suspending the Mexican Secretariat of Energy’s policy requiring users of the Integrated National Transportation and Storage System of Natural Gas (Sistrangas) to certify the reception of their supply with one of the State Productive Companies or its affiliates. The policy essentially forced new

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AMLO: Foreign Companies Can Invest in Solar Energy Only through CFE

By MARK LORENZANA Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) said on Thursday, July 14, in his daily press conference that there is strong interest from foreign investors to put up solar power plants in the country, but for this to happen control will be given to Mexico’s Secretariat of Energy (Sener), and the main partner will be the Federal

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Mexico’s Energy Policies Force Companies to Realign with Pemex

By KELIN DILLON As Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) intention to reform Mexico’s energy sector to favor state-owned oil company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) has resulted in the reduction of fuel import permits and the cancellation of storage operations, private and foreign companies alike have been forced to reignite a working relationship with Pemex in order to obtain sufficient

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Dos Bocas Won’t Reach Full Operational Capacity until September 2023

By KELIN DILLON Though Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) under construction Dos Bocas refinery maintains its planned July 1, 2022, launch date, new reports reveal the crude oil processing plant will take more than a year to operate at full capacity, which is anticipated to occur in September of 2023. As per López Obrador’s schedule, the full operations

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Energy Secretary Accused of Covering up Dos Bocas Clash

By KELIN DILLON As the blowback from the ongoing worker’s strike of Mexico’s under-construction Dos Bocas refinery over labor abuses continues, Secretary of Energy Rocío Nahle has come under fire by members of her very own party, the leftist National Regeneration Movement (Morena), for her purported role in covering up the dispute. After a violent clash at the facility, which

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Mexico Closes Private Sector Gas Terminals

By KELIN DILLON As the Mexican government continues its quest to give state-owned oil company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) majority control over the nation’s energy market, it has now closed a number of privately owned terminals used to import fuel across the country. In the past month and a half alone, three terminals in Tuxpan, Puebla and Hermosillo were closed by

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CFE Set to Collaborate with Private Sector in Electricity Reform

By KELIN DILLON In the first of a set of constitutional reforms proposed by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), Mexico’s upcoming electricity reform will see the state-owned Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) collaborate with the country’s private sector on power plants, though the CFE will ultimately own the majority of projects. Within the proposal, the private sector is encouraged

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