Tag Archives: Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection

October Makes Mexico’s Most Violent Month of 2022

By KELIN DILLON Only weeks after hactivist group Guacamaya revealed to the public that 72 percent of Mexico is under control of organized crime groups, Mexico experienced its most violent month of the year yet, registering 2,481 intentional homicides throughout Oct. 2022. A total of 92 intentional murders were committed on Monday, Oct. 31 alone, says information publicized by Mexico’s

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Judge Stops Transfer of Mexican National Guard to Army

By MARK LORENZANA A federal judge indefinitely stopped the transfer of the National Guard (GN) to Mexico’s Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), which was established in the reform decree published on Sept. 9 of this year, approved by the Mexican Senate. Sedena must now return, at least temporarily, operational and administrative control of the GN to the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC). The Ninth District Judge

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Sedena’s Real Estate Assets Accrue 20 Percent in Value

By KELIN DILLON According to new data released by the Mexican Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit’s Public Account, the real estate holdings of the Mexican Secretariat of Defense (Sedena) have grown by more than 47.3 billion pesos in value throughout the first four years of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) six-year term, placing the total value of Sedena’s

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Deputies Approve National Guard Incorporation into Mexican Army

PULSE NEWS MEXICO In yet another act of getting his way by hook or by crook, Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) on Saturday, Sept. 3, bulldozed his initiative to transfer control of the National Guard (GN), the allegedly civilian security force he created, to the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), the country’s military, through the lower house Chamber of

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Citizen Concerns on Militarization Grow amid GN Budget Increases

By KELIN DILLON Mexican citizens are reportedly becoming increasingly concerned about Mexico’s perceived militarization following President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) unilateral decision to expand the National Guard’s (GN) budget and recently discussed intentions to absorb the group into Mexico’s Secretariat of Defense (Sedena), which would turn the National Guard from civilian command to military control by way of presidential

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Former Veracruz Attorney General Detained on Torture Charges

PULSE NEWS MEXICO Jorge Winckler Ortiz, the former attorney general for the eastern Mexican state of Veracruz, was arrested on Monday, July 25, in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, after being a fugitive from justice for more than two years. The arrest was carried out by members of the Mexican Army’s National Anti-kidnapping Coordination Unit and the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection,

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