Tag Archives: Tax Administrative Service

AMLO Government Creates New 25 Billion-Peso Trust Funds

By MARK LORENZANA The Mexican government has just created three new trust funds, or “fideicomisos,” despite a decree by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in March of 2020 ordering the “extinction” of 109 trust funds to combat corruption. The beneficiaries of the three new discretionary trust funds created by the executive branch — without going through Congress — are the

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AMLO May Have Committed Crime by Revealing Journalist’s Alleged Income

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF Civil organizations, prosecutors and lawyers on Friday, Feb. 11, condemned Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) for publicly disclosing the alleged income of journalist Carlos Loret de Mola and warned that it constitutes a federal crime. During his the morning press conference in Hermosillo, Sonora, Friday morning, AMLO displayed a slide with a

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AMLO’s Assistants Handed High-Ranking Jobs

By KELIN DILLON More than a dozen members of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) team of assistants have quickly transcended their roles at his side into high-level government positions, a new report from El Universal has shown. The former assistants have been handed jobs in places ranging from the country’s Tax Administrative Service (SAT) to the National Commission

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