Tag Archives: Tepalcatepec

AMLO Announces Plan to Solve Michoacán’s Chaotic Woes

By JESSICA GUERRERO MORELIA, Michoacán — After years of evident indifference and lack of interest in the internal affairs of the central Mexican state of Michoacán, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) finally paid a long-overdue visit to the state last weekend. And this time, he was neither defiant nor apprehensive about the trip. On the contrary, he seemed happy

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Tierra Caliente: Mexico’s Own No Man’s Land

By JESSICA GUERRERO MORELIA, Michoacán — Recent headlines and heart-wrenching images depict a tragic story of innocent families desperately trying to escape a chaotic situation that has transformed their homeland into of a disputed territory rife with war and unchecked violence where no government or international organizations dare to enter. But this time, the grim scenario is not playing out

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