Tag Archives: The Economist

The Economist Compares AMLO to Cantinflas

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF The highly respected British news magazine The Economist compared Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to the late slapstick comedian Cantinflas in its Saturday, July 17 edition. “It is a question that might have been devised by Cantinflas, a comic actor who turned the Mexican taste for circumlocution into an absurdist art form,”

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Ebrard Lets Loose on Foreign Observers, Media in WP Editorial

By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS One day after the New York Times laid the blame for the May 3 collapse of Mexico City’s Line 12 Metro (which led to the deaths of 26 people) squarely on his shoulders, Mexico’s Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard published a guest editorial in the Washington Post on Tuesday, June 15, defending the government of President Andrés

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The Economist Calls AMLO ‘Mexico’s False Messiah’

By THE PULSE NEWS MEXICO STAFF After having managed to stay out of the global authoritarian populist limelight for the first two years and a half of his six-year term, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has now grabbed the cover of Britain’s internationally respected The Economist magazine this week. Unfortunately, the portrait that the magazine, which was published

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