Tag Archives: World Happiness Report

Mexicans Not So ‘Feliz, Feliz, Feliz’

OPINION By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS While Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) never tires of declaring his constituents “feliz, feliz, feliz” (“happy, happy, happy”) under his leftist administration, it turns out that the Mexican people are in fact far less happy now than they were before he took office. According to the World Happiness Report, released Friday, March 18, just

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Navigating Mexico: Just How Free Is Mexico?

OPINION By JUAN DE JESÚS BREEN Once again the U.S.-based Cato Institute thinktank — for the seventh year in a row — has published its yearly Human Freedom Index, known to political science students as the HFI. The index measures 165 countries on 12 freedoms: rule of law, security and safety, movement, religion, civil society, expression, relationships, government size, legal

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