AMLO Blames Low Voter Turnout for Referendum on INE

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Photo:


After the dismal turnout of barely 18 percent of eligible voters for his highly publicized revocation of mandate referendum the day before, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) on Monday, April 11, admitted that he had received less than half the votes supporting his remainder in power than he had during his 2018 election, but placed the blame for the low attendance squarely on the shoulders of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Speaking during his daily morning press conference at the National Palace, López Obrador said that, overall, he was satisfied with the results obtained in the referendum.

The low voter turnout, he said, was due to the fact that the limited number of polling stations installed by the INE, which represented just a third of those placed in the voting in which he was elected as president.

AMLO has repeatedly claimed that the INE is working to dismantle his presidency.

Notwithstanding, the INE complied with its obligations to allow AMLO to hold his unprecedented and nonbinding referendum despite the fact that he refused to grant it the money necessary to carry out the polling process.



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