Algerian Envoy Marks Nation’s Revolution Anniversary

Algerian Ambassador to Mexico Belkacem Belgaid. Pulse News Mexico photo/Thérèse Margolis


Algerian Ambassador to Mexico Belkacem Belgaid offered a diplomatic reception at his residence on Thursday, Nov. 24, to mark the 68th anniversary of the start of that African nation’s 1954 revolution.

During the reception, Belgaid explained that the Algerian Revolution, which cost the lives of one and a half million people before it ended eight years later, was fought to “free our country from a colonial yoke that had lasted 132 years.”

“It is important to remember … that during all this colonization period, the Algerian people never stopped fighting against all forms of oppression, discrimination, unspeakable violence and humiliation,” Belgaid said.

“The start of the War of National Liberation, in November 1954, was the culmination of this struggle and the prelude to the recovery of national sovereignty in 1962.”

The ambassador went on to say that “Algeria today can be proud of the progress it has since made in terms of development, both human and economic and social.”

He also said that his government’s national development plans since independence have always been aimed at the eradication of extreme poverty, the primary education for all and universal health care.

Over the course of the last two years, Belgaid added, Algeria has developed the framework for a stronger democracy and greater respect for human rights.

“The success of the recent League of Arab States Summit organized in Algiers on Nov. 1 and 2 … testifies to the efforts made by Algeria and its commitment so that the values ​​of peace and stability in all areas of sovereignty, both at the regional level and in the international arena,” he said.

“The Algiers Declaration, approved by this summit, calling for a strengthening of unity and common Arab action against the challenges and difficult contexts that our region is going through, is an illustration of our interest in promoting peaceful solutions to conflicts and to realizing development goals in a environment of lasting peace and stability.”

Belgaid also spoke about Algeria’s bilateral relations with Mexico, noting that since the establishment of formal diplomatic ties in 1964, the two countries have always shared “friendly relations and cooperation in all specific areas.”

“This close Algerian-Mexican friendship finds its origin in the history of both our countries, characterized by the long struggles carried out by the brother nations of Algeria and Mexico to win their respective independences,” he said.

This year, Belgaid said, Mexico and Algeria participated in the Fifth Session of Political Consultations at the ministerial level to promote new dynamics in their bilateral relations within a range of fields.

Also this year, he noted, Mexico and Algeria formed a parliamentary friendship group, “an important mechanism that will contribute to closer cooperation.”

On the economic sphere, Belgaid said that two-way trade has increased to almost $300 million annually, and there is ample room for joint efforts in possible investment projects.

With the newly implement African Continental Free Trade Area, Belgaid said that Algeria is uniquely positioned as “a gateway to Africa.”

In closing, Belgaid said that “the actions of various sectors in Algeria and in Mexico  must be accompanied by the political will and the determination of the high authorities of both countries to raise bilateral relations to the level where they should be, in order to give concrete content to cooperation and partnership in all areas that the two countries aspire to establish in the years to come.”

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