Author Archives: Wilson Center Mexico Institute

The Tough Job of Unlocking the USMCA’s Full Potential

OPINION By JOHN BURZAWA, SOPHIE EGAR and EARL ANTHONY WAYNE Part of an ongoing series from the Wilson Center* The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) provides continent-wide rules, norms and problem-solving processes that can help the three-member countries to continue the trade and coproduction system established under its predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). But if the USMCA is to

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North America’s Shared Prosperity Agenda

OPINION By SERGIO M. ALCOCER and DAMIÁN MARTÍNEZ TAGÜEÑA Part of an ongoing series from the Wilson Center* The promise of the digital economy as a driver of economic growth is a reality and continues to grow in importance as global hyperconnectivity continues to expand. Nevertheless, geography has made a comeback as a central concern in economic policy design. The covid-19

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What’s on the Horizon for US-Mexican Relations?

OPINION By THE WILSON CENTER MEXICO INSTITUTE Given the current political and social panorama in Mexico, there will be three major things to watch for in the months ahead regarding U.S.-Mexico relations: Migration As border apprehensions of undocumented migrants reach record levels, the Joe Biden and Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) administrations strive to collaborate to reduce the flow and

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