Tag Archives: Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas

Va Por México Suspended as Moreno Doubles Down on PRI’s Proposal

By KELIN DILLON Following days of contention between members of Mexico’s Va por México electoral alliance surrounding the Party of Institutional Revolution’s (PRI) proposal to expand the influence of the Mexican Armed forces in the streets — a move made in collaboration with the in-power National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the very party that Va por México was created to defeat

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Visible Fissures Erupt from within Va por México Alliance

By KELIN DILLON When Mexico’s Va por México Alliance – a coalition of the nation’s once-dominate Party of Institutional Revolution (PRI), conservative National Action Party (PAN) and left-leaning Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) – was once touted as a collaborative solution to the modern prominence of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) National Regeneration Movement (Morena) upon its

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AMLO’s Electoral Reform on Opposition Collision Course

OPINION By RICARDO CASTILLO The dust from Mexico’s June 5 gubernatorial elections has not yet settled, but the government’s political opponents are all set for the next round with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and his leftist National Regeneration Movement (Morena). Last week, the opposition Va por México coalition — composed of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), the

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Paving the Way for a One-Party Regime

OPINION By RICARDO CASTILLO In the eyes of some pundits, the current trend in Mexican elections is the result of a democratic procedure, but for others, the imminent results of the country’s midterm elections on Sunday, June 5, is an ominous path to a return of a one-party system. If all current forecasts are correct, the “awesome threesome” political coalition

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All the Kings Horses

OPINION By RICARDO CASTILLO These days, the political gossip churners in Mexico have a new favorite target: Federal Deputy Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, alias “Alito” (short for Alejandro), who is the both the current president of the once-mighty Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI, which ruled the country without interruptions from 1929 to 2000), and the leader of the remaining 70 PRI deputies in

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FGR Investigating Nuevo León Candidates for Electoral Crimes

By KELIN DILLON Mexico’s Attorney General (FGR), via its Office of the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (FEDE), announced it was opening an investigation into alleged electoral crimes committed by two current candidates for the governorship of the conservative state of Nuevo León, Adrián de la Garza of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and Samuel García of the Citizens’ Movement.

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Hidalgo, Coahuila Hit Polls After Pandemic Postponement

Members of the PRI celebrate after claiming victory in local elections Oct. 18, 2020. Photo: PRI

By KYLIE MADRY Residents of the Mexican states of Hidalgo and Coahuila trekked to the polls on Sunday, Oct. 18, after the planned July elections were pushed back due to the covid-19 pandemic. Around 50,000 cast their vote Sunday – wearing required face masks – according to the National Electoral Institute (INE), totaling just over 40 percent turnout of eligible

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Mexico News Roundup

By RICARDO CASTILLO A Divided Women’s Movement On the eve of Mexico’s March 9 feminist work stoppage by all the women who want to participate, the cadre of invisible “collectives” have been joined by an apparent “fifth column,” the anti-abortionists, who now claim that this movement “underrates” women. (In military terminology, a fifth column is an infiltration of enemy troops

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