Tag Archives: railroads

The Little Town that Could, and Did, and Then Didn’t, and Now Wants to Again

  By THÉRÈSE MARGOLIS As a tourist destination, Iguala, the little town in the northeastern corner of the Mexican coastal state of Guerrero, gets a bad rap. Irreparably linked to the 2014 disappearance of 43 rural teachers’ college students who were allegedly disappeared by government forces in the nearby town of Ayotzinapa after they had commandeered a bus to travel

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Smoke, Steel and Fire

By RICH GRANT There is no sound quite like a steam whistle echoing off a mountain, as plumes of black smoke rise in the air, the steel wheels screech around a bend, and ahead is the chug, chug, chug of a massive steam locomotive straining up a four percent grade. Riding outdoors in a gondola car with the big skies

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Mexico News Roundup

By RICARDO CASTILLO A Divided Women’s Movement On the eve of Mexico’s March 9 feminist work stoppage by all the women who want to participate, the cadre of invisible “collectives” have been joined by an apparent “fifth column,” the anti-abortionists, who now claim that this movement “underrates” women. (In military terminology, a fifth column is an infiltration of enemy troops

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Germán Larrea in the Spotlight, Again

By RICARDO CASTILLO      Every now and then, more often than not, the name of Mexico’s fourth-wealthiest man, Germán Larrea Mota-Velasco, dominates the media with controversial reports. In fact, at the Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat (Semarnat), there are a myriad of files open charging Larrea with crimes of pollution. And if we gauge the amount of media space devoted

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Develop the Isthmus? Not Again

By RICARDO CASTILLO     What’s new in Mexican news? Most definitely not President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) “new” program that he touted over the weekend of April 27 and 28 as the “Development Curtain” to be built along the Isthmus of Tehuantepec – the narrowest land space in southeastern Mexico, between the Pacific and the Atlantic. This same project has

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