Va por México to Bring Morena’s Public Textbooks to Supreme Court

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Mexico’s opposition electoral coalition Va por México – made up of the National Action Party (PAN), Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and the Party of Institutional Revolution (PRI) – announced it will take steps to combat the dissemination of controversial free textbooks in public schools by the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), including bringing the matter to Mexico’s Supreme Court Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

The creation of the new textbooks, as ordered by the in-power National Regeneration Movement (Morena), has been controversial from the start, with educational experts criticizing the rushed design of the learning materials and the textbook’s prioritization of ideology of pedagogy.

Va por México has likewise claimed that the textbooks in question “seek to indoctrinate” Mexican children into Morena’s ideologies.

As a result, PAN Coordinator Jorge Romero, PRD Coordinator Luis Espinoza Cházaro and PRI Deputy Coordinator Carolina Viggiano announced in a joint press conference on Monday, Aug. 7, that the opposition coalition will be pursuing legal action to prevent the distribution of the controversial textbooks to the nation’s youth.

The electoral alliance will begin its fight against the educational materials by filing an action of unconstitutionality with the SCJN in the coming days, which will be followed by filing a series of collective amparos that will also be made available for citizens to review.

The Va por México leaders also revealed that it will hold open educational forums with teachers, specialists, school directors and students’ parents to continue an open dialogue on the matter and keep citizens informed on the state of the Mexican education system.

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